with Larry Matheny
Transfer bids have been used
for many years. While their first
application was for the major suits but now many pairs also use them for the
minors. Take a look.
Scoring: Matchpoints
5 Pass *Transfer
to clubs |
BIDDING: South held an
invitational strength hand and set out to discover if his partner liked the
suit. North’s response of 2NT was a
“super accept” showing a maximum opener and a fit with the club suit. Next, South’s bid of 3
showed shortness in that suit. Knowing
game in notrump was out, North jumped to game in clubs.
PLAY: West led the ace of diamonds and declarer had
no trouble making his game losing only to the minor suit aces. The results around the room for this hand
were mixed; some played in 1NT, some in a club partial, and several in an
unsuccessful 3NT.
Copyright ©2011 Larry