with Larry Matheny
Good communication with your
partner is essential for effective defense.
Here is a hand where a message was delivered and understood.
Scoring: Matchpoints
4 Pass |
receiving a raise from his partner, South made a help-suit game try in
spades. With a maximum raise and plenty
of help in spades, North jumped to the heart game. It would have been better if he had accepted
by raising spades.
PLAY: West led the eight of clubs and declarer won
the ace. A heart was led from dummy and
declarer won with the king as West followed with the eight. Next, declarer led the queen of hearts, West played
the six, and East won the ace. East
cashed two top clubs with West following once and then discarding a
discouraging diamond. Judging there was
no diamond trick for the defense and that any spade winner would not go away,
East played his last club and West’s ten of hearts was soon promoted into the
fourth trick for the defense.
make this hand, declarer must go to dummy with a spade to lead the second round
of trumps. Then when the fourth round of
clubs is played, declarer can ruff high and then pull West’s ten of hearts. Note the hi-low in trumps by West showed an
odd number so East knew his partner held a third trump.
Copyright ©2011 Larry