with Larry Matheny
The usual signal to
partner’s lead is attitude. This lets
him know if you want the suit continued or perhaps want him to shift to another
suit. However, there are many occasions
where a suit preference signal is used instead.
Take a look as this tool is used effectively.
Scoring: Matchpoints
4 Pass |
BIDDING: N/S had a
routine auction to game.
PLAY: West led his ace of hearts and East was
confident it was a singleton. East
followed with the jack to show his entry was in diamonds, the higher of the two
side suits. West switched to the deuce
of diamonds and East won the king. He
returned the ten of hearts for West to ruff.
West played another diamond to East’s ace and another heart was ruffed
for a two-trick set.
that if East does not give a suit preference signal, West would have to guess
which suit to lead at trick two. If he
chose a club (or a spade), declarer would lose only one heart and two diamonds.
Copyright ©2011 Larry