with Larry Matheny
It’s not always easy to
discover what honor cards your partner holds but if you ask the right question,
sometimes you strike gold.
Scoring: Matchpoints
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BIDDING: South was
delighted to receive a raise from his partner and started thinking about
slam. Since bidding any number of hearts
wouldn’t help, he made a help suit game try in clubs. North cooperated by raising clubs to show a
good holding including the ace. This was
all South needed and he quickly bid the slam.
PLAY: Holding the king of trumps and the ace of
diamonds, West was optimistic about defeating the slam and started with the ace
of diamonds. Declarer ruffed and saw he
only needed to keep his spade losers to one.
He played the ace of spades and continued with a low one to the
jack. With the hearts behaving declarer
quickly claimed twelve tricks.
Copyright ©2011 Larry