with Larry Matheny
Transfer bids have been
around since the 1950’s but were originally used only for the major suits. Transfers into the minors are now being used
by many pairs and can be very helpful in reaching the right contract.
Scoring: Matchpoints
Pass 3 Pass Pass Pass *transfer
to clubs **spade
shortness |
BIDDING: North wasn’t
sure how bid his hand but started with a transfer to clubs. South liked his hand and showed a “super
accept” by bidding 2NT. North’s next bid
showed a singleton or void in spades so 3NT was no longer an option. South just decided to bid what he thought he
could make.
PLAY: West led the king of spades and East overtook with
the ace to shift to a low diamond.
Looking at an almost certain heart loser, declarer was forced to take
the diamond finesse. When that succeeded,
declarer wrapped up his game losing only one spade and one heart.
N/S pairs who ended in 3NT should have lost five spade tricks but after a spade
to the ace and a low one returned, some West players won cheaply with the seven
and could only collect two more tricks.
Copyright ©2011 Larry