with Larry Matheny
Partnership cooperation is
important at bridge and this is especially true when on defense. Here is a hand that illustrates that point.
Scoring: Matchpoints
Pass Pass
Pass |
BIDDING: After South
opened the bidding, West was hesitant to overcall vulnerable with only a
five-card suit but he felt his hand was strong enough to warrant the
gamble. North raised and South made a
very aggressive leap to game.
PLAY: West led the ace of hearts to which his partner
followed with the queen. This promised
either the jack or a singleton queen.
West followed with the eight of hearts to the jack and East shifted to a
low diamond. Declarer had no choice but
to finesse the queen and the contract was quickly defeated. If West carelessly cashes his king of hearts
at trick two, declarer will be able to win whatever card West exits with, draw
trumps, and knock out the ace of clubs.
East will never gain the lead to put a diamond on the table.
Copyright ©2011 Larry