with Larry Matheny
I hate to take finesses so
I’m always on the lookout for an alternate play. In a recent team game, this hand presented
several options.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Pass |
BIDDING: Sitting South
I opened 1NT and my partner raised to game.
PLAY: West led the jack of diamonds and I could count only
six certain tricks. I doubted the
diamonds would yield a fourth trick so I needed some luck in the club
suit. I won the first diamond in my hand
and played a low club toward dummy. West
rose with the king and played a second diamond.
I won this in dummy and watched East signal with the nine of
spades. I continued playing clubs and was
relieved when the suit divided 3-3. I
now had eight tricks and my ninth would have to come from one of the major
suits. I could try the 50% heart finesse
but I saw a different solution that guaranteed the contract. East was down to hearts and spades so I led a
spade to dummy’s ten and waited for East to lead into dummy giving me the extra
trick. Notice it makes no difference if
West plays the jack on this trick. That
ten of spades was my insurance.
contract was defeated at the other table when declarer first tried the heart
finesse and then led a spade toward the king.
Copyright ©2011 Larry