with Larry Matheny
As a defender it is
sometimes wrong to take your tricks too soon.
That was a lesson for East in this hand.
Scoring: IMPs (Team)
Pass Pass Pass |
BIDDING: Perhaps South
should have been content with a game try, but this was a team game and he did
not want to miss a vulnerable game.
PLAY: West led a low club won by East’s ace and he
continued the suit. Noting the spots,
West did not want to establish dummy’s nine of clubs so he shifted to the nine
of hearts. Declarer played low in dummy
and East erred by winning the king. East
should have realized declarer needed two entries to dummy to capture the
king of spades. By ducking this heart
trick, declarer can only reach dummy once to finesse in spades and will be
defeated one trick.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny