with Larry Matheny
It’s important to keep the
auction in mind when declaring or defending.
I did just that on this hand but unfortunately it led me astray.
Scoring: IMPs (Team)
Pass Pass Pass
BIDDING: Sitting
South, I held a huge hand and with eight likely tricks and bid 3NT.
PLAY: West disappointed me by leading the queen of
spades instead of a heart. Examining my
position, I did have eight tricks and the ninth one could come from a 3-3 spade
break or an extra diamond trick. I
ducked the first trick and won the second.
I cashed a third round but they were 4-2. I had only one entry to dummy with the fourth
round of clubs so I had to decide whether to finesse East for the queen of
diamonds or play West for that card.
Since I was missing only thirteen high card points and West had bid
twice, I thought it certain the queen was there. So I confidently played ace and the jack of
diamonds and was shocked when East won the trick. He placed a heart on the table and I was
quickly down three tricks for -300. At
the other table a heart was led and declarer had nine tricks and we lost 14
IMPs and the match.
knew E/W were playing a strong club system and therefore opened some hands
light but….sigh.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny