with Larry Matheny
The scoring in a pairs event
rewards overtricks. In fact, the goal is
not necessarily to make or defeat a contract but to maximize your plus scores
and minimize your minus scores. Here, a
careful declarer kept an eye on the opponents’ cards for the overtrick.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 2 Pass 4 Pass *Game
forcing |
BIDDING: South showed
a major two-suiter and North bid game.
PLAY: West led the jack of clubs and declarer
stopped to analyze the hand. He saw he
would be able to discard his diamond loser on a club honor so if the major
suits behaved, he could bring home twelve tricks. He covered with the king of clubs and East
won the ace and returned the suit.
Declarer won discarding his diamond loser followed by ace and a heart
ruffed in dummy. Next, he played dummy’s
top trumps and was disappointed when West discarded a club on the second
one. Declarer next played ace and a
small diamond ruffed. He then played the
king of hearts and when West discarded, declarer had a clear picture of the
East hand. The four-card ending:
N/A S-J10
S-A7 H-Q9
was easy for declarer to now play ace and a low spade to end play East. The heart return gave declarer eleven tricks
and a good score.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny