with Larry Matheny
Scientific bidding is nice but every now and then a hand comes along that
doesn’t lend itself to any conventional bid.
That is what happened to me in a recent game. Take a look at a gorgeous hand.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs
BIDDING: I was in the
South chair and after my right hand opponent opened the bidding, I wasn’t sure
how to bid this 9-0-4-0 monster. Finally
I bid just what I thought (hoped?) I could make. Both opponents passed in silence but my
partner looked like he wanted to check to see what was in my coffee cup.
PLAY: West led his partner’s suit and I was
presented with a reasonable dummy. I
could either play for the spades to be 1-1 or play the spade queen from my hand
forcing an entry to dummy to take the diamond finesse. I finally decided to play the ace of spades
and was rewarded when the king dropped.
I then led a spade to the jack, discarded the eight of diamonds on the
ace of hearts, and took the losing diamond finesse.
for me, three other declarers who bid the slam were doubled and one N/S pair
even made an overtrick. Some days you
just can’t win.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny