with Larry Matheny
Aces and the other honor
cards usually receive the glory, but every now and then one of the lowly spot
cards is the hero. Take a look at a
mighty seven’s moment in the spotlight.
Scoring: IMPs (Team
Pass |
BIDDING: This was a
routine auction to game.
PLAY: West decided to attack with his longest suit
and promptly put the jack of clubs on the table. After all, this is usually the correct card
to lead from this holding. East won the
trick with the ace and fired back his other club. East won the king and the jack but the seven
in dummy was now high. Declarer simply
knocked out the ace of spades and had his nine tricks.
the other table, West realized he had no other entry to his hand so he started
with the six of clubs. His partner also
won the ace and returned the suit. These
five club tricks along with the ace of spades meant down two for this declarer.
follow so many rules (third hand high, cover an honor, etc.) but this hand
shows it is sometimes better to make an exception.
Copyright ©2010 Larry Matheny