with Larry Matheny
The takeout double is a very
valuable tool. However, like most of the
conventions available to you, it must be used with caution. Here is a hand where that advice was ignored.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
DBL Pass Pass Pass |
BIDDING: This auction
was just plain ugly! South might make a
takeout double with this hand at the one-level, but he certainly promised a
better hand to force his partner to bid at the three-level. West redoubled to show values and North could
have tried to escape to diamonds but he hoped South might have a 5-card
suit. It was not to be.
PLAY: West led the ace of diamonds and when it was
over, South managed only four tricks and a score of -1400. To really rub salt in the wound, no one bid
and made game E/W.
bidding will often payoff but it must be tempered with good judgment.
Copyright ©2010 Larry Matheny