with Larry Matheny
It’s not always possible to
obtain a complete picture of the opponents’ distribution but you can often
discover enough to allow you to play the odds.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 3NT
Pass Pass Pass |
BIDDING: North-South
had an easy auction to game.
PLAY: West led the queen of diamonds asking East to
unblock the jack if he held that card.
South won the third round of the suit discarding a heart from his
hand. Declarer needed the club finesse
so he led the ten followed by the queen and brought in that suit. On the last two clubs, West played the eight
and the three of hearts indicating possession of the king. Since it was unlikely West would discard down
to the singleton king, declarer was confident West’s distribution was 2=4=5=2. While this did not mean the queen of spades
had to be in the East hand, the odds were 4-2 that it was. So declarer played a spade to dummy’s king
and then led the jack. He now had his
nine tricks.
Perhaps West should not have
given away so much information.
Copyright ©2010 Larry