with Larry Matheny
Finding the best opening
lead can be difficult. Here is a hand
where the defender regretted his choice.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 4 Pass Pass Pass |
BIDDING: North-South
had an easy auction to game.
PLAY: After this auction, West was going to lead a
red suit and since it’s often wrong to lead an ace, he started with the queen
of diamonds. Declarer won this with the
ace and played all six of his trumps and then started on the club suit. He discarded two hearts and came to this
three-card ending (East was immaterial):
105 5
Q K7
led dummy’s last club and discarded his heart.
West now had to lead away from his jack of diamonds and declarer had 12
tricks. East asked his partner why he
didn’t lead a heart but West just sighed and reached for the next hand.
Copyright ©2010 Larry