with Larry Matheny
There is no doubt the
matchpoint scoring system employed in pairs events should influence your play
of the hand. This hand demonstrates that
simple lesson.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass |
BIDDING: North-South
had a routine auction to game.
PLAY: West led his fourth best spade and declarer
quickly saw he had no way to bring home nine tricks. So he won the first spade and led clubs. West won and the defense soon had five tricks
to defeat the contract. Why is this hand
of interest? Because several of the
South players tried taking a diamond finesse or playing for the remaining
hearts to divide 3-3. Those declarers
went down two and sometimes three tricks.
The scoring at matchpoints rewards the best plus scores and also the
smallest minus scores. When your
contract has no hope, minimize your loss.
Copyright ©2010 Larry