with Larry Matheny
Here is another complex
auction that carried North-South to a great grand slam.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 4 Pass 7 Pass *transfer
to diamonds |
BIDDING: Here is a
recap of the N/S auction: South showed a
long diamond suit and North’s 3
bid was a “super accept”. South’s jump
to 4
initiated Roman Keycard Blackwood (4 aces + trump King). North admitted to hold three keycards so
South was now interested in bidding the grand.
His 5
bid asked North if he held the king of hearts and North said yes by bidding
seven diamonds.
PLAY: West led a trump and South soon claimed all of
the tricks. It’s true there were also
thirteen tricks in notrump but most pairs stopped in 3NT and only a few bid the
small slam. Minor suit slams are
difficult to bid partly because of the reluctance to go past 3NT.
Copyright ©2010 Larry