with Larry Matheny
An auction may be simple or
quite complex. This one nearly ran the
E/W pair out of Pass cards.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 4 Pass 5 Pass 6 Pass 7 Pass |
BIDDING: Here is a
summary of the N/S bidding: The 2
response was game forcing denying a good suit.
After South showed spades, North jumped in diamonds to show spade
support and diamond shortness. South’s
4NT bid was Roman Keycard Blackwood (4 aces +king of spades) and North denied
holding any of these cards. South who
held all five keycards then bid 5
to ask North if he held the queen of spades.
North replied he did and he also held the king of clubs. Next South asked North if he was also
fortunate enough to possess the king of hearts and North jumped to seven to
answer yes.
PLAY: West led a trump and South soon claimed all of
the tricks. It’s true there were also
thirteen tricks in notrump but South felt he might have to ruff diamonds in
Copyright ©2010 Larry