with Larry Matheny
The most common methods used
to reach slams are Blackwood and cue bidding of controls. The role of the Blackwood convention is to
keep you out of slam when you are missing more than one ace. Cue bidding is used to discover if you are
missing a first or second round control in a suit. The key is to know which approach to use.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 4 Pass Pass Pass |
BIDDING: This N/S pair
use the 2/1 bidding system so South’s 2
bid was forcing to game. North raised,
South showed spade support, and they were on their way to slam. This pair uses Italian style cue bidding
where first round controls (ace or void) or second round controls (king or
singleton) are shown. When South skipped
over diamonds, he denied a control so North brought the auction to a quick
PLAY: West led the ace and king of diamonds and
declarer soon claimed the rest. There
were several pairs who bid 4NT, found they were missing only one ace, and bid
the slam. Blackwood should not be used
when you hold a small doubleton (or worse) in a suit.
Copyright ©2010 Larry