with Larry Matheny
Hand evaluation is of course
very important. However, after you make
an optimistic bid, you need to be able to bring home the contract. Here is a declarer who did just that.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 4 Pass |
BIDDING: After North’s
negative double, South decided the heart void along with his twelve high card
points made his hand worth a jump. North
continued on to game.
PLAY: West led a top heart ruffed by South. The bidding placed the top spade honors in
the East hand so at trick two, declarer led a diamond to dummy. He continued with a spade won by East’s
king. East led another heart forcing
South to ruff again. Next, declarer led
another diamond to dummy followed by a third heart ruff. Declarer returned to dummy with a club and
led a low spade. East won the ten but
could only collect one more spade trick.
Declarer had his ten tricks losing only three trump tricks.
that the trumps must divide 3-2 for the contract to succeed and declarer played
Copyright ©2010 Larry