with Larry Matheny
While it true most players
would be better off if they concentrated on their defense and declarer play,
there is a fascination with bidding conventions. Here is a hand where a pair needed a
convention that is used by most players.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass |
BIDDING: This N-S pair
liked old fashioned bidding and sneered at all of the “scientists” who had very
complicated auctions. North opened 2NT
and South bid his five-card major and game was quickly reached.
PLAY: West led the ten of spades and East won the first two
tricks but declarer soon had the rest.
When the traveling scorecard was opened, N-S were upset that every other
pair took all thirteen tricks. The other
pairs employed Jacoby Transfer bids and North became declarer. Reluctant to lead their ace, the East players
usually selected a red card for the opening lead. North had to simply draw trumps and then play
the ace-king of clubs. When the queen
dropped it was easy to discard South’s three losing spades on the good clubs.
Jacoby popularized the transfer bid back in 1956 and it is used by most
players. This hand demonstrates the
advantage of protecting the big hand from the opening lead.
Copyright ©2010 Larry