with Larry Matheny
Although there is no doubt
that Lady Luck plays a role in duplicate bridge, the good players will do what
they can to make sure she is on their side.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Pass 6 Pass *Jacoby
Forcing Raise **Good
five-card suit |
discovering his partner had a second strong five-card suit, North launched the
Blackwood convention. After finding they
were missing an ace, North reluctantly stopped in the small slam.
PLAY: West was also listening to the auction and found the
killing club lead for down one. At the
other table, the auction was the same except for the last bid. This North bid 6NT to protect his king of
clubs. East did not lead his ace so
North-South scored an overtrick.
the first pair was unlucky to find both club honors in the East hand, the
second pair took Lady Luck out of play.
Copyright ©2010 Larry