with Larry Matheny
Trump management is an
important part of the game. It’s often
correct to draw the trumps right away but with some hands, there may be a
reason for delay. This hand shows that two
rounds of trumps were just right but a third one would have been fatal.
Scoring: Matchpoints
Pass Pass Pass
*splinter |
BIDDING: North’s jump
showed game-going values along with diamond shortness. Holding a minimum hand,
South had no interest in moving beyond game.
PLAY: West led a low diamond won by East with the
ace. East switched to a club won by
South’s queen. Since the third heart
could be discarded on a good club, declarer saw only three top losers: two
spades and one diamond. At trick three
declarer led a small spade and ducked in dummy.
West won the ten and continued with a small heart. Declarer won with dummy’s ace and then cashed
the ace of spades. It was now easy to
ditch a heart on the third round of clubs and start cross-ruffing the
hand. East could trump in at some time
but declarer had his ten tricks.
that if declarer had played ace and another spade, a third round by the
opponents would have left him one trick short.
Copyright ©2010 Larry