with Larry Matheny
Reaching a minor suit slam
is often difficult. This is particularly
true in matchpoint events where a minor suit game rarely results in a good
score. This natural reluctance to bid
past 3NT was overcome by this pair.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Pass 4
Pass Pass Pass |
BIDDING: East’s 2 bid was a reverse showing 17+ high card
points. Next, North jumped in spades to
show a good suit and suggest slam. With
no fit, South retreated to 3NT but North’s diamond raise convinced South to bid
the small slam.
PLAY: West led the
jack of hearts to his partner’s ace.
East returned a trump won by the nine.
Declarer decided to establish dummy’s spade suit so he lead a spade to
the ace. He continued with the king and
a low spade ruffed high. It was now easy
to lead a third trump to dummy and discard his three losers on the good spades.
This hand was won by the auction. Most pairs played in either 3NT with ten
tricks or in 4
winning eleven tricks.
Copyright ©2010 Larry