with Larry Matheny
You must remember the basics
to be a successful declarer. In this
hand the rule that guided declarer was “remember the auction”.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
*weak |
BIDDING: North’s jump
to game showed values and South, realizing they had to be in the red suits,
continued to the slam.
PLAY: The jack of spades opening
lead was ruffed by declarer. South had
two losing hearts and the auction virtually guaranteed the king was in the East
hand. A 3-3 diamond break could be the
answer but declarer saw a better line.
At trick two he led a trump to dummy and ruffed the last spade. Next, he played the king-ace of diamonds
followed by a third. When West followed
low, declarer played the ten. It didn’t
matter if the finesse won for the slam to succeed. When the finesse won, a heart loser was
discarded on the queen of diamonds. If
the finesse had lost, East would have to lead a heart into dummy or concede a
ruff/sluff. The other heart loser would
be discarded on the now good five of diamonds.
that if West had not followed to the third diamond, declarer would rise with
the queen. A fourth round would allow
declarer to discard a heart to end-play East into a fatal return.
Copyright ©2010 Larry