with Larry Matheny
As declarer, it is so
important to identify the dangerous opponent and play accordingly. This hand makes that very point.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: North had an
easy raise to game opposite his partner’s 15-17 opening bid.
PLAY: West led the six of spades
and dummy’s jack held the trick.
Declarer counted his tricks and quickly saw he needed to attack the club
suit. He also saw the danger of East
gaining the lead and shifting to hearts.
With that in mind, at trick two declarer played the king of clubs
followed by a low one to his jack. The
finesse was successful and South now had 11 tricks: 2 spades, 4 diamonds, and 5
clubs. The contract would have been safe
even if the finesse had failed. However,
if declarer had been careless and played for the clubs to divide 2-2, after
winning the third club East may have found the deadly heart shift.
Copyright ©2010 Larry