with Larry Matheny
A good defender pays close
attention to his partner’s cards and takes advantage of their message. Take a look at a simple yet elegant defense.
Scoring: Matchpoints
BIDDING: West made a
takeout double showing the red suits but nothing could stop North-South from
reaching game.
PLAY: West led the ace of
diamonds and was pleased to see his partner contribute the encouraging
nine. West next led his singleton
club. Declarer won this in dummy and saw
what was about to happen, but could do no more than play ace and another
trump. West won the king and led a low
diamond to East’s queen. The club return
was ruffed by West defeating the contract.
hand was played in a local game and several North-South pairs were successful
in this contract. Defense is difficult
but as this hand illustrates, good communications with your partner is
Copyright ©2010 Larry