with Larry Matheny
Entries to a weak hand are
often rare and must be used very carefully.
This hand illustrates that point.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: I was sitting
South and after East opened the bidding, I chose to
overcall 1
rather than 1NT. West made a negative
double and my partner’s weak jump raise to the three-level ended the auction.
West led the ten of hearts covered by the jack, queen, and ace. I was disappointed that West had not led his
partner’s suit. This meant I needed to
lead three times from dummy: once to
finesse in spades and twice to lead diamonds to finesse East. The only entry was a heart ruff so I
continued with the king and a third heart.
Next, I led the queen of spades and East obliged by covering. My next play was the SEVEN of spades to the
jack and I was delighted to see the trumps divide 2-2. I now led a diamond to my ten and West’s
king. He continued with a club and I ruffed the third round with the NINE of spades. Now the carefully saved FOUR of spades could
be led to dummy’s SIX in order to take a second diamond finesse.
home ten tricks was lucky but a good result.
Copyright ©2010 Larry