with Larry Matheny
by the opponents can be deadly weapons and they can also be dangerous to the
side that preempts. Here is a hand where
North was just a bit too optimistic after hearing his partner’s bid.
IMPs (Teams)
*Roman Keycard Blackwood |
BIDDING: South decided to preempt at the
four-level. His 1-7-1-4 distribution
along with the favorable vulnerability convinced him that his hand was too good
for a mere 3
bid. North loved his hand and quickly
asked about keycards (4 aces + king of hearts).
South’s response showed two keycards plus the queen of hearts. Without a great deal of thought, North
eagerly bid the slam.
I was sitting West and decided to lead the ace of clubs. I looked at the discouraging deuce of clubs
from my partner and the powerful dummy on my left. I finally decided there were no other
possible tricks and continued with a second club. I was delighted to see my partner’s king win
the trick. Down one was a gain of eleven
IMPs since our partners at the other table stopped at the four-level.
North should realize his partner also needed the
king of clubs and holding that card along with solid hearts, the hand was too
strong to preempt.
©2010 Larry Matheny