with Larry Matheny
an understatement to say that it’s important to have sound bidding agreements
when searching for a slam. Take a look
at a hand that demonstrates that point.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
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BIDDING: After East’s weak-two
bid, South had a very good hand for his overcall. North’s hand was far too good to simply raise
spades. His cue bid of the opponent’s
suit showed a heart raise with extras.
South cooperated by cue bidding diamonds and North followed by a jump to
the five-level. This asked South to bid
slam if he had second round control of spades and South complied. Holding first round control (ace or void),
South would have cue bid spades in case the grand slam was possible.
PLAY: West won the jack of
spades and declarer quickly wrapped up the rest of the tricks. For those who would use 4NT with the North
hand, just imagine South holding two small spades instead of only one. Blackwood is not the answer with this hand.
©2010 Larry Matheny.