with Larry Matheny

When facing a weak dummy, entries are very important.  Here is an example of declarer creating one on the opening lead.

Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Hand #32
Dlr   W
Vul E/W
S J983
H Q10843
D J3
C Q8
S 54
H J2
D A10642
C 9754
S K2
H A97
D KQ95
C K1063

S AQ1076
H K65
D 87
West North
   Pass    Pass    Pass
BIDDING:  South would have liked a stronger and longer suit but he entered the auction after East's 1NT opening and found a pretty good dummy.

PLAY:  With no attractive opening lead, West finally chose the jack of hearts.  Declarer saw a chance to get to dummy by playing the queen.  East won the ace and hoping the lead was a singleton, returned the suit.  Declarer let this ride around to dummy and was relieved when West followed.  After picking up the trump suit, declarer ran the heart suit discarding his two diamonds.  Next, he led a club to his jack and wrapped up twelve tricks.  Perhaps East should have switched to diamonds at trick two but it was the unlucky heart lead that caused the problem.  The lead of any other suit would hold declarer to ten tricks. 

Note that if declarer ducks the opening lead, East will also play low.  Now the best declarer can do is play ace and another spade to prevent a heart ruff.  This leaves declarer with only nine tricks.

Copyright ©2009 Larry Matheny.