with Larry Matheny

Many players are too quick to bid notrump.  Often the auction will offer information as to which player should declare. 

Scoring:  Knockout Teams (IMPs)
Hand #23
Dlr   S
Vul None
S K65
H QJ10
C AJ87
S Q10987
H 43
D A64
C Q94
S 432
H A652
D 108753
C 5

H K987
D K2
C K10632
West North

    1S     2S    Pass
   3NT    Pass 

BIDDING:  West made a light overcall and North stopped to consider his call.  The strength and shape of his hand suggested 3NT  but the spade overcall made North wonder if the king was enough to stop the suit.  Rather then make an immediate decision, he sought his partner's input.  The spade cue bid showed a limit or better (10+) hand with club support.  Holding a solid opener and two spade honors, South had no trouble bidding notrump and the game was reached.

PLAY:  West led a spade that rode around to declarer's jack.  It was now an easy task to establish clubs and hearts for ten tricks.  At the other table in this team game, North jumped to 3NT over the spade overcall.  East led a spade and when declarer mis-guessed clubs, he was defeated.  North's hasty bid "wrong sided" the contract and he deserved his fate.  Of course he could have succeeded by guessing to play West for the queen of clubs, but he should never have put the contract at risk. 
If partner did not have help in the spade suit, North might still have arrived at 3NT, but there was no reason to make the final decision so soon.

Copyright ©2009 Larry Matheny.