with Larry Matheny

There are hands where it might appear you and your partner are not playing the same system.  This hand demonstrates how important it is to agree on responses to takeout doubles and cue bids.  Take a look.

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs Game)
Hand #8
Dlr   W
Vul E/W
S 764
H 53
D J975
C Q752
S Q109
H 9764
D Q1083
C K3
S AKJ852
D 64
C J864

S 3
H AKQ1082
C A109
West North
   Pass     3C    Pass
    4D    Pass

BIDDING:  After East made a weak-two bid, things got a bit crazy.   South had a great hand and didn't want to stop under game.  North held a very poor hand and simply bid his best and cheapest suit in response to his partner's takeout double.  Next, South forced with a cue bid and poor North wasn't sure what he was supposed to do.  Finally, in desperation he bid his other suit.  South was convinced North was showing values and leaped to the heart slam. 

PLAY:  West led a spade and declarer managed the obvious ten tricks for down two. 

What went wrong with the bidding?  North's first response of 3C could have been zero points or perhaps as much as nine or ten.  How was South supposed to know?  When North showed a second suit in response to the cue bid, was he showing extra values or just looking for a place to land?  Unfortunately, many partnerships experience these types of nightmares.

One possible solution is to employ the lebensohl convention.  With this agreement, when North holds a weak hand (fewer than seven points), he starts with 2NT, a relay to 3C.  This warns South that North has a weak hand and allows them stop at a lower level.  With a stronger hand (7-10 points), North could respond in his best suit.  With more than ten points, North would move toward game or slam.  With this hand, North would bid 2NT over the takeout double and South would sign off in the heart game confident that no slam was missed.  Of course, it's possible that North could still hold the magic cards, say KQxxx of clubs, but the hand North actually held is more likely.   Most importantly, you and your partner need an agreement.

Copyright ©2009 Larry Matheny.