with Larry Matheny

It's nice to have the right tools to get to the best contract.  Take a look at a hand where many pairs missed a good game contract.

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs)

Hand #43
Dlr   W
Vul E/W
H 54
D AK63
C QJ62
S 853
H AQJ1082
D 1092
C 7
S KJ1096
H 963
D J84
C K8

S 42
H K7
D Q75
C A109543
West North
   Pass     3H    Pass
All Pass

BIDDING:  West had a good weak two bid and North made a takeout double.  South bid 3C and it was up to North to decide if his partner held any high cards.  After all, South was forced to make a call and might not have a high card in his hand.  This pair uses the lebensohl convention so South's bid showed 7-10 points.  With fewer, South would have bid 2NT asking North to bid 3C which South would have passed.  With more than 10 points, South would have made a stronger bid ensuring the partnership reached game.  Knowing game was possible, North next cue bid hearts asking South if he had a stopper and South continued on to game in notrump.

PLAY:  The auction told West that declarer held the heart king so he decided to try to find an entry to his partner's hand in order for a heart to be led through declarer.  He tried the eight of spades and declarer stopped to analyze the hand.  Since a heart wasn't led, declarer felt it unlikely that West held an outside entry.  That meant both black kings were probably in the East hand so declarer played the ace of spades at trick one.  He followed with the queen of clubs and quickly wrapped up eleven tricks (1 spade, 4 diamonds, and 6 clubs). 

I recommend you review the lebensohl convention with your partner.

Copyright ©2008 Larry Matheny.