with Larry Matheny

One of the most expensive losses in a team game is a double game swing.  Yes, that means your opponents bid and made game at both tables.  Take a look.

Scoring:  IMPs  (Teams)

Hand #42
Dlr   W
Vul E/W
S AJ87
H 2
D QJ9654
C K6
S K109643
H QJ105
D 3
C A2
H A9763
D 1072
C QJ987

S Q52
H K84
C 10543
West North
1S 2D DBL*
    Pass    3NT All Pass      
*Negative double

BIDDING:  Everyone bid a lot on this hand.  After overcalling, North continued on to game when South invited.      

PLAY:  West led the queen of hearts ducked to South's king.  Declarer took the spade finesse and soon had nine tricks:  2 spades, 1 heart, and six diamonds.  N/S scored +400 for their game and were pleasantly surprised when they compared scores with their partners.  At the other table, E/W bid and made four hearts for +620.  Their total score of 1020 was worth 14 IMPs and allowed them to win the match.

It's not that anyone did anything terribly wrong but West might have bid more aggressively after his partner showed a heart suit.  But, with unfavorable vulnerability, perhaps West felt he had bid enough with this ten high card points.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.