with Larry Matheny

Some bridge addicts have been known to dream about hands they may or may not have played.  This happened to me last night.  Was this a pleasant dream or a nightmare?

Scoring:  Matchpoints (Pairs)
Hand #18
Dlr   E
Vul E/W
S AK42
H 976
D A9
C K1053
H Q105
D Q732
C QJ865
S 753
D KJ10654
C A7

S J10986
H A8432
D 8
C 92
West North

1D Pass
    2D    DBL     3D    3S
    4D    Pass
   4S All Pass

BIDDING:  The bidding was bold to say the least.  In my dream, I was North and made a simple takeout double that seemed to excite South.  I was surprised we weren't doubled.

West led a diamond and all of a sudden I was sitting in the East chair.  Declarer won the ace of diamonds and played the ace of spades.  Next there was another diamond from dummy ruffed by South.  He then drew trumps followed by the ace of hearts.  I was alert and did not want to be end-played so I dropped the king under the ace.  I knew that if declarer held the queen of hearts, he would have finessed.  South next led a low heart from his hand and I found myself in the West chair.  I quickly rose with the queen of hearts to swallow up my partner's jack.  I had always wanted an opportunity to use the "crocodile coup" and it finally presented itself.  I then cashed the ten of hearts and led the queen of clubs to beat the contract.  Note that if I don't rise with the heart queen, my partner is end-played into leading a club or giving a ruff-sluff to declarer. 

Just as I was waiting for partner, the opponents, and the many kibitzers to applaud my magnificent defense, I woke up.  I knew I had played the hand in the evening session so I found my convention card to see the actual result.  Had I really defended so well?  The answer staring back at me was that I was North and had doubled 4D and they made it for -710 and a zero. 

Oh well, only three more hours until the alarm.  If I could only get back to sleep.

Copyright ©2007 Larry Matheny.